Stay safe from bacteria in the kitchen
Cleaning is not just washing ingredients. It is also ensuring proper hygiene so that your meal isn’t spoilt by bacteria and food poisoning. Make sure hands are washed before cooking or eating, and after touching any raw meat. Separate chopping boards need to be used for raw meats, and they need to be washed thoroughly after use. Make sure that raw meat is always stored in a sealed container so that it doesn’t contaminate other ingredients.
Don’t wait to clean those dishes
It’s tempting to leave the dishes to wash for later, but the problem is that as time passes the stains will get set and take even longer to clean. Try to wash them right-away otherwise soak them in warm soapy water, and scrub them with a sponge afterwards. It will loosen the stains and make cleaning the dishes so much easier. Same goes for spills on countertops and the floor.
How to clean glasses that look cloudy
You have been washing glasses for more than 30 minutes, but they still look like they have a thin film of fog on them. The problem isn’t the detergent but hard water in your tap water. Hard water contains minerals that can create build-up in glasses. To fix this, just soak the glasses in a solution of white vinegar and water. The acidic ingredient will dissolve the minerals. Rinse the glasses with normal water and dry with a towel.
How to clean a cutting board?
The simple cutting board gets its fair share of stains and odors and can start looking pretty dingy after a while. Give it a new look by sprinkling salt or baking soda on it. Let it soak for a bit and then wash. Additionally, rub the cutting board with a wedge of lemon. The lemon juice will remove food stains, and also get rid of odors as well.
5. How to quickly clean your blender?
It can be so tough to clean out a blender, especially after making tomato paste or hari chutney. However, there is a way to clean it quickly. Just fill the blender with hot water from the tap. Add a drop of liquid soap and then put the blender back on the machine. Close the lid, and turn it on for about 10 – 15 seconds. The blending action will clean out the blender, and all you need to do is rinse it out with hot water. In case the blender jug is looking a bit dull (mineral build-up from hard water), add a drop of lemon or vinegar which will remove stains and make odors go away too.
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Five Basic Things For Easy Cooking
Prepare ingredients before starting to cook Known as French as mise en place, it basically means to prepare all the ... Continue Reading >>
Quick And Easy Cleaning Hacks For Kitchen
Stay safe from bacteria in the kitchen Cleaning is not just washing ingredients. It is also ensuring proper hygiene s... Continue Reading >>